AUDITIONS October 4 & 5


Loosely based on George Bernard Shaw’s play St. Joan but adapted for MYT students and stage.

The quest is not going well for five friends. In spite of the endless supply of Mountain Dew and Twizzlers, they have not been able to complete their quest. Going into their 24th hour of continual play, this game of Dungeons & Dragons is turning friend against friend. Until the Dungeon Master does the unthinkable: He invites a new player into the game. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE QUEST! Joan may be new to the group but she has played before. Can she help the friends finish their campaign? Will they let her?

The war has not been going well for the five warriors. In spite of their collective skills, spells and armies, they have not been able to defeat the King of the Damned and his evil army. The new warrior Archiah may just be what they need to turn the tide of the war. Archiah is courageous and unrelenting with a megadose of self confidence. Can she inspire the warriors to fight on under her banner? Or will a traitor rise up to defeat her?

Follow Joan and Archiah — in and out of the game — to see what lengths people go to hold on to power.

Want to work on the production side of theatre? Learn lights, sound, set design and build, prop design and build, costume design and build, or stage management! No need to audition — sign up for the Production Team today!

Audition information

Friday, October 4
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Saturday, October 5
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Church In the City,
2648 N Hackett Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53211

(street parking available)

Actors ages 12-Seniors in High School
Male and Female

Roles: 6 males and 6 females

  • Dungeon Master (M)
  • Joan (F)
  • Archiah (F)
  • Charlie LeRoy (M or F)
  • Human/ Bard (M or F)
  • Jack/Jackie DuBois (M or F)
  • Elf Warrior (M or F)
  • Pearce/Petra Belmont (M or F)
  • Tiefling/ Cleric (M or F)
  • Nasir/Aniyah Martin (M or F)
  • Halfling/Barbarian (M or F)
  • Everyone Else (this actor will represent the Dungeon Master and need to go in and out of characters and voices) (M or F)

*Character names may change based on casting

Parents are invited to stay outside in the designated waiting area. No parents will be allowed in the audition space.

Tour information

  • This production does tour to Milwaukee locations
  • December 16-20, 2024

Dates to know

  • Production and rehearsals days for all students will be

Before the audition

  • Fill out the audition form here and register for one audition time.
  • Plan on staying for the full 2 hours.
  • Pick out and memorize a 60 second monologue
  • Check and double check the rehearsal and performance schedule so that you can inform the Director of all conflicts ahead of time.

During the audition

  • You will perform your memorized monologue in front of the Directors and other students
  • If there is time, you may be asked to read parts of the script with other actors
  • Bring a water bottle and a snack
  • Encourage the other performers and give your full attention to the audition process

After the audition

  • If cast, the actor will receive a phone call from the Director by Monday, October 7, 8:00 pm. 
  • You will receive an email if not cast. If the actor asked to receive their audition notes they will be emailed within a week.

Meet your production crew

Harmonie Baker

Harmonie Baker


Elisabeth Markman

Elisabeth Markman

Assistant Director

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