2024/25 Season
Celebrating 30+ years of Milwaukee children’s theatre
Milwaukee Youth Theatre has been working with and providing shows to Milwaukee area schools for over 30 years. We stage four shows per year to the general public, hosted around the city. MYT also tours our shows directly to your school, library, community center or elder-care facility.
Open acting auditions are held for students of any experience level ages 8-18. Students interested in production are welcome to receive training in their area of interest: directing, stage management, light and sound design, properties management, set design, costumes and marketing. Student participation is FREE for all four productions. See you soon!
Theatre arts classes for kids

Spring Improv Class
8 sessions. Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm,
February 4 – April 8. 9th-12th Grade. $45

Shakespeare: It’s Hard to Be a Bard
9 sessions. Thursdays, 6:00-8:30 pm,
February 6 – April 5. Ages 10-12th Grade. $45
Interested in behind-the-scenes work?
Join our student production crew!
Learn set building, prop building, scenic painting, sound design, stage management, costume design and directing on live productions from our staff mentors.
For 10 and older.
School and community partnerships
We’ll come to you! A full production at your school, in-class workshops and free teacher resources. It’s a great way to introduce your students to classic literature and theatre.
Technical training for theatre production skills in light and sound design and videography from the professionals at this Near West Side arts organization.